My half day was pretty awesome yesterday. I'd bought some yardage, so there was the cutting of mini-bolts (I use foam and cut them into 7x10.5 inch boards), followed by the folding of yardage.
I also reorganized my fabric stash (by collection and then by type). And there was some obligatory watching of Star Trek: TOS. I finally put all of the fabric I bought away, and put up my laundry (all three loads of it ...)
Today is the first "parade day" of Mardi Gras in Galveston. I'm not sure how much business we'll get, since they're blocking off a lot of the back roads, but we're usually busy. Once that's over, I'm looking forward to going home, finishing up a few QAYG blocks, getting ready to start on my Outfoxed quilt top, and watching "The Devil's Backbone."
If you've never seen this movie (and you're a horror movie fan), you need to see it. It's intense. The cinematography is beautiful and haunting - it's perfect for a ghost story. Like "Pan's Labyrinth", it takes place in Spain, where a young boy, new to an orphanage during the war, has repeated run-ins with a ghost. I"m a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro, so this movie is a favorite for me.
I'm off to start the day - hopefully it won't be too intense. I need some aspirin and some sleep! Have a great day! Happy MARDI GRAS!
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