Tuesday, January 10, 2012

weekends are for fun - mostly

It's only Tuesday, and I'm already BEAT.

We had a wedding Saturday that, while it was fun (and it went well, and the family had fun which was the most important thing), was also incredibly taxing mentally. I worried about it for months! Now that it's over, I feel like I can relax. (A little).

I started on a quilt for my niece! The last time I made one for her was when she was a newborn - seven years ago! I figure it's high time for a new one. This one will be her Christmas gift. A few months ago, I cut out a bunch of vintage sheets and fairy tale prints - but nothing looked good together, so I scrapped the project. After being inspired by the scrap-usage of all the quilters online lately, I thought they might look good together, after all! Going through my stash of saved 5" squares from charm packs, and those previously cut fabrics, I managed to put together a quilt I rather like! I think she'll love it, too. I'm 1/3 of the way finished with the top, and if I can keep the momentum up, it'll be done in no-time!

Other things that went on this week:

- Bought some batting and Gutermann thread for the machine (after using Gutermann, I don't think I can go back, even if it IS more expensive).
- Bought the novelization for "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" for my kindle.
- Watched "Sleeping Beauty".
- Brought home some Echino scraps for possible quilts for my nieces - we'll see - and some of Patty Young's LUSH! I'm in love with her Running Stitch print.
- Got some solids in for my Outfoxed quilt. After tweaking the pattern a bit, I think I'm going to be very pleased! I can't wait to finish the two quilts I've got going and start on this one!

I'm off to close down. Here's to a productive week, eh?

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